Sunday Night Theology is a once a month lecture series to grow your theological roots. Our guest speakers are experts in their field and deliver talks on matters of faith that are directly applicable to your daily walk as a Christian. We also provide a great time for questions and answers to dive deeper into each topic.

Join us for our next Sunday Night Theology: October 1st, 6pm

The Whole Gospel: Reading the Bible in Light of the Entire Work of Christ


Evangelicals place huge emphasis on the Penal Substitutionary Atonement of Christ on the cross, and rightly so. That truth lies at the heart of the good news of the gospel. But though God’s grand plan of redemption climaxes at the cross, it’s not the whole story. Instead, we must consider the multifaceted nature of the whole gospel story as we seek to apply all of God’s Word to our lives.

This SNT will be taught on October 1, 2023, 6pm, by Dr. Raymond Johnson, Senior Pastor at Christ Church West Chester in West Chester, PA. Raymond and his wife, Meghan, have five children. He’s the author of I See Dead People: The Function of the Resurrection of the Saints in Matthew 27:51–54 (P&R).