Christ Church KIDS
We work together with parents to teach kids the awesome truths of the Bible.
We believe that Scripture is clear that parents are the primary disciple-makers in the lives of their children. Our hope is to partner with parents in their pursuit of this mission, coming alongside them in the discipleship process.
On Sundays
If you want, please check our new program about how we operate with two services. Families can head to our Check-in area 15 min prior to our services. We offer simultaneous Sunday school classes for both adults and children.
Please feel free to create your families profile on
Church Center as it will help your check-in process.
Children Pre-k and under may be checked in the WBC kids check in area 15 mins prior to services. Your child can remain in their classes until the end of the service.
Kids ages 6yo-5th grade can be checked in at the same location, but will remain with their parents in the service until dismissal before the sermon.
Students grades 6th-12th gather during 9am service only for Sunday School
Christ Church kids
All of our volunteers go through background checks and kid’s ministry training, and our security team has implemented a comprehensive security plan.
Safety is crucial
What We Teach
The Gospel Project is a 3-year chronological study of the Bible.
All kids learn from the same Bible passage at different grade levels each Sunday.
Answers Bible Curriculum brings the Bible to life and addresses the real-life issues that confront Christians today.
Teachers and students alike will get a thorough understanding of the teachings and relevance of Scripture. All ages are equipped to defend their faith, becoming conformed to the image of Christ, as they learn to apply God’s Word in their everyday lives.
Answers Bible Curriculum - taught during First Service
The Gospel Project - taught during Second Service
Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed
Awana is a world-wide ministry for ages 3-6th grade that teaches kids to memorize Scripture. It meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:15-8:00pm throughout the school year at Christ Church’s main campus at 12880 Route 6, Wellsboro.