Youth Group


Learning and Living the Gospel Together in Every Relationship


Paul told young Timothy that All Scripture is God-breathed (from God and communicated by God) and that it was profitable in every way for his ministry. He told him that Scripture made him fully equipped for every good work he needed to do as a pastor (2 Tim. 3:16-17). The same principle applies to shepherding students as vocational workers, volunteers, or, most important of all, parents. We encourage all who do ministry to start with God’s Word and to stay centered on God’s Word. That being said, we believe that God has blessed His church with a plethora of secondary resources that help us better grasp and apply the primary resource.

On this page, you will find faithful, helpful, and trustworthy resources as you seek to minister grace into the lives of students for the glory of God.

Disclaimer: Christ Church believes all of these resources to be trustworthy and helpful but by no means endorses all content (especially online). Read and watch with full discernment. If something you come across concerns you, contact Pastor Ben

Connect with us!

Student Ministry Pastor: Benjamin Garner 

Phone: (717) 823-8806


Getting Started

Robert H. Thune & Will Walker

Greg Gilbert

D.A. Carson

Getting into the WOrd

James Montgomery Boice

John Stott

Paul David Tripp

Going Deeper

John Piper


Wayne Grudem

R.C. Sproul

J.I. Packer


Michael Horton


Getting into specific issues

Sam Allberry

Kevin DeYoung

Sharon James

Andrew Walker

Timothy Keller

C.S. Lewis

Paul Tautges

Russell Moore and Andrew Walker